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Getting Started


First start by adding Unveiler's React Native client as a dependency to your React Native project. If you're using NPM, then run:

npm install

If you're using Yarn, run:

yarn add

Create an UnveilerClient#

Next, create an UnveilerClient instance. For this you need your own API key, which you can get at the Unveiler Dashboard.

import { UnveilerClient } from ''
const client = new UnveilerClient({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' })

To circumvent hard-coding the API key, we recommend storing them outside your code-base, for example using react-native-config or other similar tools.

Verify Location Hook#

The last step is to start using the useLazyVerifiedLocation hook. In the background this hook will collect GNSS data. Once enough data has been collected, the submit function will be populated, which when invoked will send recent GNSS data to the Unveiler API to verify the current location. After the location is verified, the results will be available in claim and also encoded as a JWT in jwt.

import { useLazyVerifiedLocation } from ''
const MyModule = () => {  const { claim, jwt, submit } = useLazyVerifiedLocation({ client })
  return (    <>      {submit && <Button onPress={submit} title={'Submit'} />}      {claim && (        <Text>          {claim.location.latitude}, {claim.location.longitude}        </Text>      )}      {jwt && <Text>JWT: {jwt}</Text>}    </>  )}

For a more elaborate useage example, see our example React Native client here and explore the API.