In the Getting Started guide we have already encountered a JSON Web Token (JWT).
The response of our query had a field jwt
with as its value a long and odd looking string:
WhyThe JSON Web Token (JWT) contains the claim asserted in the request to the Unveiler API, including a cryptographical signature. A JWT allows everyone to read the content of this token and verify that it has been created byUnveiler by looking at the cryptographic signature.
These JWTs can be used when the request toUnveiler is made on an untrusted device which still needs to prove its verified location to another device. Let's take a mobile phone of an end-user as the untrusted device. The mobile phone makes a request toUnveiler and stores the returned JWT. Later, the mobile phone can send the JWT to your backend service, which reads and validates the JWT and can now be certain that the phone in fact got its location verified byUnveiler.
Verifying JWTsImplementing cryptographic functions yourself is discouraged, as they are often tricky to implement and small bugs can easily compromise the security of your application.
Luckily there's wide support for JWTs using third-party open-source libraries.
jwt.io has compiled an extensive list covering most popular programming languages.
When selecting a library, ensure that it at least supports RS256
, which should be the case for most libraries.
After the JWT is verified, inspect the content and apply your business logic to validate that the content matches with what you expected to find.
DownloadUnveiler's Public KeyDownload theUnveiler public key from here and save it as public.pem
in your source code directory. Now we can verify the token using the following code.
Install Dependencies- JavaScript
- TypeScript
Here we will showcase how to verify aUnveiler signed JWT using the jsonwebtoken
library, which is created and maintained by Auth0.
To install the dependency run:
npm install jsonwebtoken
Or when using Yarn:
yarn add jsonwebtoken
Here we will showcase how to verify aUnveiler signed JWT using the jsonwebtoken
library, which is created and maintained by Auth0.
To install it as a dependency together with its types:
npm install jsonwebtokennpm install --save-dev @types/jsonwebtoken
Or when using Yarn:
yarn add jsonwebtokenyarn add -D @types/jsonwebtoken
Verify the Token- JavaScript
- TypeScript
const { verify } = require('jsonwebtoken')const { readFileSync } = require('fs')
const unveilerPublicKey = readFileSync('public.pem')const jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGFpbSI6eyJwb2ludCI6eyJsb2NhdGlvbiI6eyJsYXRpdHVkZSI6NTIuOTUxOSwibG9uZ2l0dWRlIjotMS4xODQxfSwicmFkaXVzIjoxMDB9fSwicHJvb2YiOiJHTlNTIiwiaWF0IjoxNTk1ODQ2Mjc2fQ.Ko1otS6zZpZ1JpYymZpGXM22v7GQW0wqcU4cum_Yxb0xrbM2UGHCIwpKEvkOgA-ITEjj65AgLfs8AmNJJbUFMzVZmaATvVoy_wW2JMUn2oHcBstzc5wMUYrELjmGy0oOXJcdxX_EirKVkBaOW1FPf_m2iMZLxsLAhd9S2Afj8ICCnVULyuPCNxfsED-cqOdgzrIBzyHfq6jx9CclvK_Bo-uMML5_OymsvyLnFNCXplPbGx9pG2qjzBFp_K-zEnHlgRDxKUIkfn-9VxPYErQIFG7N4_lvJ_XN8XNiec6OW-WOkEpRaTiyfqzHYsoZy057c7D4gznr98Yl-NrFAVKT_Q'
verify(jwt, unveilerPublicKey, { algorithms: ['RS256'] })// {// claim: { point: { location: { latitude: 52.9519, longitude: -1.1841 }, radius: 100, radius: 100 } },// proof: 'GNSS',// iat: 1595846276// }
Make sure to explicitely specify the expected algorithm as RS256
Not doing so results in a security vulnerability, as the default behaviour is to infer the algorithm from the token.
If our JWT would be tampered with, then verify would throw a JsonWebTokenError
instead of returning the content of the JWT.
import { verify } from 'jsonwebtoken'import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
const unveilerPublicKey = readFileSync('public.pem')const jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGFpbSI6eyJwb2ludCI6eyJsb2NhdGlvbiI6eyJsYXRpdHVkZSI6NTIuOTUxOSwibG9uZ2l0dWRlIjotMS4xODQxfSwicmFkaXVzIjoxMDB9fSwicHJvb2YiOiJHTlNTIiwiaWF0IjoxNTk1ODQ2Mjc2fQ.Ko1otS6zZpZ1JpYymZpGXM22v7GQW0wqcU4cum_Yxb0xrbM2UGHCIwpKEvkOgA-ITEjj65AgLfs8AmNJJbUFMzVZmaATvVoy_wW2JMUn2oHcBstzc5wMUYrELjmGy0oOXJcdxX_EirKVkBaOW1FPf_m2iMZLxsLAhd9S2Afj8ICCnVULyuPCNxfsED-cqOdgzrIBzyHfq6jx9CclvK_Bo-uMML5_OymsvyLnFNCXplPbGx9pG2qjzBFp_K-zEnHlgRDxKUIkfn-9VxPYErQIFG7N4_lvJ_XN8XNiec6OW-WOkEpRaTiyfqzHYsoZy057c7D4gznr98Yl-NrFAVKT_Q'
verify(jwt, unveilerPublicKey, { algorithms: ['RS256'] })// {// claim: { point: { location: { latitude: 52.9519, longitude: -1.1841 }, radius: 100, radius: 100 } },// proof: 'GNSS',// iat: 1595846276// }
Make sure to explicitely specify the expected algorithm as RS256
Not doing so results in a security vulnerability, as the default behaviour is to infer the algorithm from the token.
If our JWT would be tampered with, then verify would throw a JsonWebTokenError
instead of returning the content of the JWT.
The Subject Field The JWT standard includes the subject (sub
) field.
When making a request against the Unveiler API the user can optionally supply the value of this field.
This can be used to add a unique identifier to the request, which allows you to later detect replay attacks.
What value to use for the subject field depends on the use-case. One option would be to take something identifying the user, when validating the token later you can prevent the user from using tokens created by another user.
Another method could be to generate a random subject value in your trusted environment for every request. Together with this random value some context could be stored, e.g. the user who will attempt to verify their location, the location they are expected to be at, and so on. Then the user received this random value and sets it as the subject. When validating the token you retrieve the expected context based on the subject of the token, which can then be used when verifying the content of the token.
Technical DetailsWe use a combination of RSA - specifically RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
- with SHA-256 to secure our JWTs.
This combination is part of the IETF standard RFC 7519, which described the JWT specification and refers to this combination as RS256
Support of RS256
is not mandatory by this standard, however it is still widely supported as the standard recommends supporting this.
We use RS256
because it is secure and the most widely supported asymmetric signature algorithm.
Additionally, longer hash functions, e.g. SHA-512, would increase the length of the generated JWTs without significantly improving the security as SHA-256 is battle-tested to be resistent against attacks.
Always make sure to besides checking the validity of the JWT to also thoroughly check its contents.
For example, the "issued at" (iat
) field