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GraphQL Schema

The Unveiler API has interactive schema documentation of it's GraphQL endpoint at the Playground, which can be accessed by opening in your browser. At the right, you can explore the queries available by the API under "DOCS" and see the schema under "SCHEMA".

When writing queries in the playground you will have access to syntax highlighting. Which makes it faster and easier to formulate your queries.


Authorization to the Unveiler API is required when making queries. API keys are used for authentication purposes, you can generate one through the Unveiler Dashboard.

The API key should be added as an HTTP header. The header name should be Authorization and the value should be Bearer YOUR_API_KEY.

Writing queries#


All queries to the Unveiler API use the verifyLocation query. It's arguments consist of the location where the user claims to be and context of the user's location, which acts as the proof.


The claim can be of two types, either it concerns a point, in which it has as it's arguments location which represents a coordinate and radius which is the distance in meters the user's location is allowed to differ from their claimed location.

The other type of claim is an area claim, which is a polygon of coordinates. In this case the location of the user needs to be located inside the polygon for the claim to be granted.


The context of the requests of one field gnssLog. The gnssLog field are raw GNSS measurements in the GNSSLogger format. These logs are a single multiline string, with each measurements on its own line. This log should include the headers.


The response of the verifyLocation query contains the following fields:

Field nameValueDescription
statusenum, either GRANTED, REVOKED or ERRORThe result of the query
messageString or nullAn optional message used to clarify why a query failed.
tokenResponseTokenResponseContains the granted token when the location was successfully verified, null when the verification failed.

A TokenResponse contains of a Token, which has the original claim submitted in the initial query, an "issued at" timestamp (iat) and can have a subject (sub) field if it was part of the original query. In addition, all information is returned as a string, with the token encoded and signed as a JWT.